Thursday, June 10, 2010


I went to see Backyard not really knowing what the film was about. I briefly read the synopsis and the time fit with my schedule. I'm glad it did. I felt this film was very powerful and emotional. The fact that is was based on true events makes it even more powerful in my opinion.
In the border town of Juarez, Mexico during the mid 90's, hundreds of women were being murdered and dumped in the desert. The story follows two completely different women. The first is Captain Blanca Bravo, a new arrival on the police force in Juarez. Bravo has a tough attitude and becomes increasingly concerned about the deaths of these women.

Captain Bravo faces sexism in the workplace as a female officer in a male field. Her superior comments on how she lets her emotions get in the way of doing her job after she let suspects get away when she stopped to help a recently raped and tortured victim that was dumped in the desert. Later in the film her male partner was offered the Chief's position even though he was in a lower position then Bravo. When he asked why him and not the Captain, he was told he would be passed over if he was so worried about her job.

The second female character is Juanita. She just arrived from another town to live with her cousin. She gets a job at the local factory and sets off to find herself a boyfriend. Or two. Without the hassles of parental figures, she is free to live her life as she pleases.
Juanita must pass a physical exam prior to being hired at the factory. After the exam the doctor gives her birth control pills. When she tells him she is not sexually active, he tells her that she must take a test monthly to prove she is not pregnant. Failing this test will result in immediate termination. By giving her the pills and assuming that she is sexually active without asking her, makes it seem like she is only a sexual object.

Once on the factory floor, Juanita soon finds that company policy is not in favor of the worker. They only get one bathroom break and a ten minute lunch per shift. To ease work strife, she and her cousin hit the local night club. She meets a boy and he jokes that her cousin found a new boyfriend. Apparently if you are seen dancing with a guy, you are now his property. Juanita and this guy become an item and she eventually ends up in his bed. She was the aggressor in this situation so when a few weeks pass and she has moved on to the next guy, she disses him in public. His homeboys convince him that his manhood was disrespected and his must get revenge.

The murders escalate and Captain Bravo works with a local domestic violence worker on identifying some of the victims. The story hits the newspaper in full force at first then are reduced to the crime sheet section on the back pages. When they try to get media coverage it is stopped by the Governor and Chief of police so the factory and foreign businessman don't receive bad publicity. Also, the town of Juarez was being seen as a murderous town where femicide was in full swing. Apparently this was bad for tourism. This could be seen as media backlash. They eventually get a major paper in the US to cover the story. A local Juarez talk radio host also has strong opinions on the way the story and events have unfolded. It ultimately results in the firing of Captain Bravo (sorry for the spoiler)

Masculinity runs wild in this film as does the objectification of women and they way they are treated as animals and as nothings to the men that rape and kill them. No one even flinches when a new body is found. They have gotten so use to it, it has become part of the culture.

I would recommend this movie but be forewarned of the strong graphic scenes.


1 comment:

  1. Great job again. Lots of sexism, objectification, workplace discrimination, etc. in this film. It sounds like a very realistic portrayal of what was going on in Juarez. Since you mention sexism on the police force it would have been nice to see a mention of our article about the New Jersey police force and whether there were any parallels.
